Tag Archives: manufacture

3 Types of Links in Production: Understanding Them to Optimize

3 Loại Liên Kết Trong Sản Xuất: Hiểu Đúng Để Tối Ưu Hóa

In the modern economy, forming and maintaining links in production plays an incredibly important role. These links not only help optimize production processes and reduce costs but also improve product quality and enhance market competitiveness. This article will delve into the types of links in production and the benefits they bring. 1. Types of Links […]

Risk Management in Manufacturing Plants: 4 Strategies to Apply Immediately

Quản trị rủi ro trong nhà máy sản xuất: 4 chiến lược cần áp dụng ngay

Risk identification and management in manufacturing plants is a crucial aspect for every business, not only to ensure employee safety but also to protect assets, maintain production efficiency, and enhance brand reputation. In today’s landscape, as manufacturing technologies and processes become increasingly complex, risk factors also become more diverse and unpredictable. Therefore, establishing and implementing […]

7 Trends Transforming the Modern Manufacturing Industry: Latest Updates

7 Xu Hướng Thay Đổi Trong Lĩnh Vực Sản Xuất Hiện Đại: Cập Nhật Mới Nhất

The manufacturing industry is undergoing profound and comprehensive changes, primarily due to advancements in technology and new strategies aimed at optimizing processes and enhancing efficiency. These trends not only impact how products are created but also change how businesses operate and interact with customers. This article will analyze the key trends shaping the current manufacturing […]

Kanban: Optimizing Production Processes with Visual Signals 24/7

Kanban: Tối ưu hóa Quy trình sản xuất bằng Tín hiệu trực quan 24/7

You may not have heard of the term “kanban,” but you’ve probably applied this organizational principle without even knowing. The simple definition is using visual signals to control the flow of materials and production to maintain inventory at optimal levels. For example, when the last cereal box is empty, you know you need to buy […]