5 National and International Regulations on Noise in Manufacturing Plants

5 Quy Định Quốc Gia và Quốc Tế về Tiếng Ồn Trong Nhà Máy Sản Xuất

In modern industrial environments, noise is an unavoidable factor. Particularly in manufacturing plants, where machinery and equipment operate continuously, noise can reach levels that significantly impact workers’ health and productivity. Therefore, noise control becomes a crucial aspect of plant management, and noise standards have been established to protect employees’ health and maintain a safe and efficient working environment.

The importance of noise control

Noise is not only irritating but also a hazardous factor if not controlled. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss, increase the risk of hearing-related diseases, and even affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Additionally, noise reduces concentration, increases stress, and decreases work productivity.

What is noise pollution? Why is noise control important?
What is noise pollution? Why is noise control important?

1. Noise standards in manufacturing plants in Vietnam

Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về tiếng ồn – QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT

In Vietnam, noise standards in the workplace are clearly specified in the National Technical Regulation on Noise QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT. This regulation, issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, sets out permissible noise limits for production areas.

  • Limits: According to the regulations, the permissible noise levels in industrial areas can range from 70 to 85 dB(A), depending on the area and the time of day (day or night). These noise levels are considered safe for workers’ health under normal working conditions.

Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về an toàn lao động đối với tiếng ồn – QCVN 24:2016/BYT

In addition, the Ministry of Health has issued QCVN 24:2016/BYT, which sets the maximum permissible noise levels at workplaces to protect workers’ health.

  • Limits: The average noise level should not exceed 85 dB(A) during an 8-hour shift. If the noise level exceeds this threshold, the factory must implement hearing protection measures for workers, such as providing personal protective equipment or reducing the duration of noise exposure.

Luật Bảo vệ môi trường

According to the Vietnamese Environmental Protection Law, businesses are required to implement environmental protection measures, including controlling noise levels at workplaces and surrounding areas. Compliance with these regulations not only helps protect workers’ health but also avoids legal penalties and safeguards the surrounding environment.

ISO standards provide methods and procedures for assessing noise from various sources.
ISO standards provide methods and procedures for assessing noise from various sources.

2. International standards for noise in manufacturing plants

Tiêu chuẩn của OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United States, establishes regulations for workplace noise to ensure the safety of workers.

  • Limits: According to OSHA, the average noise level over an 8-hour work shift should not exceed 85 dB(A). If the noise level is higher, control measures must be implemented, including providing hearing protection equipment to employees or reducing the time of exposure to noise.

Tiêu chuẩn ISO 1996-1 và ISO 1996-2

ISO 1996-1 and ISO 1996-2 are international standards related to the measurement and assessment of noise in the workplace environment.

  • ISO 1996-1: This standard provides guidelines on methods for measuring noise in various environments, including manufacturing facilities.
  • ISO 1996-2: This standard focuses on assessing the impact of noise on health and provides recommendations on safe noise limits.
Using earplugs to reduce noise helps workers concentrate better on their tasks.

3. Measures for controlling noise in manufacturing plants

Thiết kế và bố trí nhà máy

Designing and organizing equipment and work areas effectively in a manufacturing plant is a crucial measure for controlling noise. Noisy machinery should be placed in separate areas, away from main work areas, or in soundproof rooms to minimize the impact of noise.

Sử dụng vật liệu cách âm

Soundproofing materials are among the most effective solutions for reducing noise. Acoustic panels, sound barriers, or soundproofing coatings can be used to prevent noise from spreading within the manufacturing space.

Bảo trì và nâng cấp thiết bị

Old equipment and machinery often generate more noise than newer models. Therefore, regular maintenance and upgrading of machinery not only help improve production efficiency but also reduce noise levels.

Sử dụng thiết bị bảo vệ thính giác

In cases where it is not possible to reduce noise to safe levels, providing hearing protection equipment such as earplugs or earmuffs is essential. This is particularly important for workers in high-noise areas.

Đào tạo và nâng cao nhận thức cho nhân viên

Employees need to be trained on the risks associated with noise and the proper use of hearing protection equipment. Raising awareness about hearing protection is a crucial part of the factory’s noise management strategy.

The image of a noise measuring device
The image of a noise measuring device

4. Noise assessment and monitoring

Đánh giá tiếng ồn ban đầu

Before a factory becomes operational, an initial noise assessment should be conducted to identify noise sources and noise levels within the factory. This helps in implementing appropriate noise control measures from the outset.

Giám sát định kỳ

Regular monitoring of noise levels in the factory is essential to ensure that noise control measures are effective and that noise levels remain within permissible limits.

Sử dụng công nghệ đo lường tiếng ồn

Modern noise measurement devices, such as handheld sound level meters or automated noise monitoring systems, can be used to monitor and assess noise levels in the factory.

Noise standards have been established to protect the health of workers and to maintain a safe and effective working environment.
Noise standards have been established to protect the health of workers and to maintain a safe and effective working environment.


Noise standards in manufacturing facilities are crucial for protecting worker health and maintaining work performance. Adhering to national and international noise standards, along with implementing effective noise control measures, helps create a safe working environment, minimizes noise-related risks, and enhances production efficiency.

We cannot completely eliminate noise in a manufacturing environment, but through noise control measures and adherence to established standards, we can ensure that noise does not negatively impact employee health and work performance. Investing in noise control is a crucial part of social responsibility and sustainable development for any manufacturing facility.

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